A Horse is a Horse

A Horse is a Horse

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Back on the Blogging train.....maybe...kinda...

Things are getting kinda boring around here. Like here's video from like 2 weeks ago when I still jumped. 

Yea riveting, I know. You can tell she really loves this baby jump stuff. Luckily WS still puts her over the big stuff (like 3' stuff I'm gonna need awhile to get up to).

Other than that its been trying to hack without getting fat leg cramps, heat stroke, or over-tired. (Growing another life when summer won't end is hard, go figure).

Think I'm pretty much ready to hang up the spurs til post baby.

I'd love to keep riding until I drop the kid, but I would never live with myself if something happened, because horses (and moi) are clumsy.

This means I need to think of some ground work goals to keep me from just sitting around, losing muscle tone.

Ideas for things to work on are welcomed ;) I figured ground tying, and working on some of the spooky things (like flags and balls etc) would be fun (although maybe not brilliant as I get less-balanced).

Best part of the week: OB told me I could gain more weight! Heck yes!


  1. Haha hard to picture being told to gain weight!

    1. I know right?! I told him I'm waiting to gain all the weight that last trimester when it's rainy and all I wanna do is eat.

  2. Hey even if the jumps were small you guys still looked great, I even spotted some awesome flying changes! Might be fun to do some at liberty stuff in the round pen, teach her to follow you around (and halt, trot, turn, backup etc.) with no halter and such.

    1. Good idea, the backup would be really nice, she tends to cling to me, backup would be nice to install.

  3. I like reheadlins' idea, liberty stuff and ground manners never hurt anyone!

  4. I love how smooth and steady you guys are. Looking good!

    1. Lol that's a lot of leg and good camera angles.

  5. I love in-hand work for getting a better sense of the horse's body. There are a lot of good resources out there, but when the resources get dry, I love to look at Jean Luc Cornille's videos for something to aspire towards.

    1. Thanks, I'll google the videos, always looking for new stuff to learn.

  6. glad you have been able to still ride. Does she tolerate your son bring lead around on her? Might be fun!

    1. I think after a trainer ride she could hack hubby but not sure my son would hold on enough for me to trust her yet. My trainer has a steady Eddie I need to get him on soon.

    2. Haha Holly is sweet but still sassy and Liam is well a 2 year old, not sure that would be a good combo esp when you are prego :)

    3. Lol thats why I was saying I could put Andy on her but not Liam. Andy can hold on lol, but I don't think he'd ride anyone but Buster.

  7. wahhh sad that you are hanging up your spurs!

    1. Me too! Bit also not cause I'm tired and fat feeling lol. I'll still be around as a groupie/ photographer/jump setter.

  8. I don't think trainer will let you take to long to get back at it... Its been 2 months since my csection and look what she is making me do now!! lol

    My advice he to be careful when doing your ground work bc well you have precious cargo AND a mare who has an opinion ;)

    1. So true, she's female for sure. And yes I'm already planning on the March show since I'm sure I'll be back at it fast watching you lol.


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