Rode Magic Sat am lesson. I was running late so of course my trainer decides I have to ride Magic, who stood in the far corner of a sloppy pasture, and had clearly been trying to go camouflaged with a full body of mud camo. Awesome.
Only L and I really rode, E's horse was off, Karley was elsewhere and M couldn't ride. More torture for us, (yay)! Hubby unfortunately didn't come so no video (boo). We did the normal WTC, including me ending up pathetically hugging Magic's neck, thanks to the workers loading some chairs for our trainer just outside the arena. Could have ended worse.
Magic and Ramone |
Then we did a little gymnastic, starting with trot poles and one jump and working up to 3 cross rails with fairly tight one stride apart. We trotted both ways with combos of 1,2,and 3 jumps, then cantered the 3. I really like gymnastics, which are easy on Magic, who pretty much is point and shoot with jumping. It was well timed because I had to sit back more, a big problem of mine lately. Since usually on a single jump my mind is pretty much screaming
I'm gonna die!... I mean relax! bouncing through 3 jumps gave me time to actually pay attention to what I was doing, not just shut-down survival brain mode. Novel Idea. :)
Challenge Day 4
16. One thing you'd like to change about your horse.
The spooking. Enough with the spooking. Nothing can kill us in the indoor, except maybe my trainer, but I'd die first, so chill already. Other than that, Holly's proving to be pretty good natured for a mare, with big pretty eyes, and a very honest ride.
Princess giving love...
ok looking for her grain... |
17. Your horse's future.
Uh..... Trail horse extraordinaire? Oh wait...I'm a pseudo-H/J princess now.... Schooling shows are in the future, possibly very near future. Time, money, and nerves likely won't get me too far past little shows, and I'm ok with that. I'm in my 30's, this is all for me now, I don't care as much what others think, I just want to challenge myself while still having fun.
18. Your worst show ever.
Haven't been in a real show (H/J) yet. I did work a 24hr shift as an EMT once, then went to a "friend's" backyard show and proceed to get thrown on a horse I didn't know and added to a variety of classes, many of which I wasn't sure what I was supposed to be doing. I HATE feeling like that, if I fail a class because I suck, fine, but not because I'm riding a crappy ex-rent-string horse in an event/ class I don't understand... I did get the fastest time on poles, which was kinda awesome since I'm pretty sure I was only half awake.
19. Favorite horse show venue.
Don't have one yet. I think they are all a little crazy. Ask me again by the end of next summer, hopefully I will be better versed.
20. Your show day routine.
Don't have one yet but I'm pretty sure whiskey, obsessive cleaning, and projectile emesis will be somewhere in there.