A Horse is a Horse

A Horse is a Horse

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Still waiting for Fall...

Yup, its still in the 70's here. At least its cooling off at night, but good grief, I have cute boots to wear and warm drinks to enjoy, get with it mother nature!

still working on our selfies ;)

Holly is enjoying her half-training life. She's filled out nicely, so I don't worry about her needing grain if it ever gets cold this year. 

Fat and Happy mare

Training rides are going well, she's usually jumping over 3' to 3'3" but now has done a few at 3'6"(eek). She's still kinda a mess that high, but usually after the first rail getting plowed into, she does well now at 3'. 

super blurry screener of WS and Holly
rocking 3' in the scary indoor :)
Its funny when you watch someone else on your horse, you can see so much. Holly is super sensitive about being spurred when jumping, and still really needs support and direction on finding that distance and pace up to the jump. 

Its hard just watching everyone, but at least I get to see everyone's progress while not having to worry about my own ride.

The hard life

And I get to enjoy cuteness.


  1. They grow in leaps and bounds but still need hoof holding.

  2. ^hoof holding lol

    Holly has been emerced into the world of jumping for real inside Lol

    1. Yea not like little ground pole grids of last year... Although we did a little 2'6" last year I was just terrified.

  3. Soon you'll be back up there and all this observation will be really helpful!

    1. I hope so. Maybe the new baby sleep deprivation will keep me from getting nervous ;)

  4. OMSQUEEE that last photo is too much!
    Cute overload ☺

  5. Don't you dare provoke the weather, I moved here for a reason! lol

    1. Lol we need winter weather a little bit, I like water sports!

  6. She is looking great and will be all ready for you sooo soon!


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