One of my fingers had been pretty darn swollen and sore so I bailed on Friday riding.

Joined a few of the barn girls schooling ponies. Ponies were naughty! Cute... but naughty, and not exactly confidence building watching their shenanigans while jumping.
While ponies were flying over oxers, I was left in infinite loops of two-point and posting trot, with a calm but not-so-easy-to-frame mare. Luckily I tried a Devoucoux Biarritz (squee). Much easier to two-point in, and soooo soft under my backside, but the wider twist takes some getting used to. Overall I really liked it, dang it.
After some nice (albeit slightly crooked) canter work, our turn to jump. There was some spooking, and pretty darn rough lead changes, but overall it just felt good.
Nothing big, but working on coursework. I can actually see doing courses with her now, as long as I stay chill she stays chill. Well duh.
And video because it makes things clearer than words....
Aaaand then their was today... Ok so nothing horrible happened, but it was rainy and windy, and miss cranky pants must have gotten up on the wrong side of her paddock because everything was just soooo rough for her. Lots of leg to get a frame, lots of giraffe neck (although no spooking so small win). Then because when I am my most sore and whiny, my trainer really pushes me, we schooled lead changes across the arena.
Did I mention there was a mule? Apparently Holly is muleaphobic, because having to share the arena with said mule was apparently a traumatic event for the princess. Any-who, really really bouncy lead changes passed standards and mules and water dripping down arena walls, led to us both to becoming a bit undone.
Took a few laps to cool mind and body and did some eh-ok line work. Long 4, or tight 5, kinda went 4 and chip mostly. Lead changes were still beastly to right, but to the left were pretty auto and much softer. She gets changes after a jump, just not at random. Thank heavens got enough right to quit and cool out.