Wish I had gotten a pic of Liam and Louie getting closer than normal. Im not sure who was more unsure of the other :) |
Decided to stay home between shifts yesterday, so I went out and hacked Louie tonight. Louie was his usual slightly lethargic self in the round pen while lunging. I think he enjoys watching me run more than him. I gave up and hopped on him in the indoor arena. It was the first time I rode without my trainer at least somewhere around, making it oddly quite. L was walking her horse, who's still on hand-walk only, and another gal was riding who I should probably know the name of but don't. One of the other trainers also kept walking her horses through the arena and my hubby, sporting our child, Liam, and Erica were watching from the side, making plenty for Louie to look at. Overall he is just a good boy, he tests but not in any major sort of way.
We did a few walking laps, working on not looking like a snake while staying off the wall. then did lots of posting trot, working on his impulsion and my many positional flaws (heels down, shoulders back, legs forward). I really like the indoor for hacking simply because of the wall of mirrors which allows me to see what I'm doing wrong in real time. Louie decided he didn't want to pick up the correct lead to the right, and after some backing, lots of outside legs, and a little motivation from the crop, I finally drove him into a turn and got the proper lead. It was a little hard to maintain collection with others riding around, someone walking on the ground, etc so I tried to work on maintaining speed with different size turns, and keeping my butt in the saddle, hips relaxed. He of course happily cantered the opposite direction, then we cooled off and I put him back home with a few treats and some love. I love the post ride barn, everyone is mellow, chatting while cleaning up. I talked with B-Day girl Lyssette a bit and we came home since the baby was hungry (you can only feed your baby of you remember a nipple for the bottle, lol).
Hopefully will post a few of the scant photos from the last week tomorrow, and we will go watch Karley and Lyssette ride in the show on Sunday, so there will definitely be photos from that. Sigh, I will definitely show next summer, I have the bug!