Last week... Sorry, this wasn't supposed to be wordy....but as usual, it is ;)
Lol, one day I will smile when I ride |
Tuesday I had a lesson in the morning, and since it was nice out, we slogged about in the muddy round pen and then trekked down to the outdoor arena. Normal W/T stuff, working on frame. as always. Then we did circles with shoulder in or counter bending through the circle. Very awkward at first, but really cool, I could feel her little brain figuring it out (along with mine lol) as we circled around.
Hamsters doing double time |
Then we started cantering. We cantered the whole arena which feels huge, after so long indoors. Then my trainer had me turn down almost center-line to canter...
Me: Ok Holly lets canter down the middle, nice and straight
Holly: Oooh, we're not on the rail....that means a
Me: No, Holly, quit bouncing, just canter straight
Sigh, no just canter please! No, more
forward, less
Sigh, monster created....
Then came jumping. Just a little 2' ish single cross rail at one end of the arena. Nothing big, but apparently new. Holly clearly was not about to touch this new jump. On the way back I felt her slow so I put on leg, then she felt about to break into canter so I backed my leg off. Dumb. Then I got the worlds slowest semi-refusal. D'oh. Back at it. Wash, repeat seriously like 20 more times, she finally stopped over jumping and being fussy and we did a couple ok lead changes her easy way and called it quits. I need to push her more to jumps, and relax on the other side. Easier said than done.
Wednesday was a meh lesson in the indoor. Nothing spectacular, except I may love my bratty, spooky mare a
little more. We were working on a sitting trot without giraffe neck when we passed two little girls sitting on the rail.
Story of my life |
After already being scolded for kicking their legs, using flash photography, etc, one of them decided the best way to get down was a flying leap off the rail, right after I passed them. I was all
la ti da in my own little decaffeinated world, and then I heard
thump and wham, my next thought was
my Holly's ears are so soft on my face... WAIT. Oh crap, I'm like half across the arena and on her neck,
Good Morning!
Like this- just giving a mid-ride hug right? |
Holly (prob because trainer was lunging a rider nearby) scooted, hopped when my spurs inadvertently stuck her, and then when I was totally vulnerable and laying
on her neck, she stopped. She snorted and looked back at me like ok, fix yourself already lady. I quickly scooted back, still kinda trying to figure out what happened. Ah, always the source of amusement for the railbirds. But I was so impressed she stopped and didn't duck out from under me, or cont acting a fool. Baby steps.
Then we jumped. Better than Tuesday, mostly. Meh, I'm a tense tense woman on a easy to upset mare. Nuff said.