A Horse is a Horse

A Horse is a Horse

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Allow me to Introduce......


I did say I really wanted to have a girl next :)
My 5 year old appendix mare... holy crap I own a horse... I mean woo hoo I own a horse!

So, even though her x-rays revealed she should never jump things too big and scary for me to fathom jumping over anyways, I was hopelessly in love, and with a little negotiation, she was mine. Check is in the mail, and her papers are being sent to me (AQHA reg). 

Beware sleep-deprived rider

 Saturday lesson was like being in a wind-tunnel, we were all straining to hear anything our trainer said, but after a few spins on the lunge, Holly was totally nonplussed by the gale force winds and the outdoor arena she had only meandered through several days before. She had many things to learn (head up head up head up!) and since she's a very different ride then Magic, its a lot of me actually needing to pay attention (novel idea right?!). 

L got on and jumped her a bit over new and scary walls, which got no more than the hairy eye. 

Clearly scared of the wind

Tonight I didn't get much out of her on the lunge line and she was a bit looky walking down to the outdoor with L. We were all good until out trainer came flying down to the arena, right as i had passed, causing Holly to tuck and scoot forward (can't blame her- self preservation lol). Like 4 steps and she was over it. Circled back around and meh- nothing to worry about. 

I was all prepared to jump the baby x, but trainer is keeping it slow, which hey I'm not gonna fight, and I still will jump Magic-beast to keep up my totally (not) awesome jumping skills. 

I think my painfully slow reaction time made my trainer think I was nervous, but so far anyways, she has given me no reason to get nervous, on the flat anyways... we will just say she has room to grow jumping. She clearly isn't used to trotting to jumps, and doesn't know about collecting and lengthening, so at least the $$$ I'm gonna cough up for full training will yield some great stuff. 

(Not my best riding- but first time I jumped her)

(Hope L doesn't mind but better video then me jumping lol)

Tons more pics and video already but that whole working mom thing has kept me from getting it all edited, and really since hubby manages a screaming toddler while shooting it, I feel guilty asking for post editing all the time too.

Need a good conformation shot and..... yay shopping!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. How exciting!!!! She's very pretty :)
    Is this your first horse?

  2. Congratulations!! She is gorgeous!

  3. Yay congrats, and I don't mind :)

    1. Good because knowing our trainer, its probably not the last time you'll be asked to jump my 'little' 16h pony ;)

  4. She's cute! Congratulations on your purchase!

    1. thanks, still reeling from the money hemorrhaging lol

  5. She is lovely!! Congrats on your new baby!

  6. Yahoo!!

    Henry says he loves his new girlfriend!

  7. Woohoo congrats to you! :) this is very exciting!

    Right back to catch-up reading now ;-)


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