A Horse is a Horse

A Horse is a Horse

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Thursday- Had an afternoon lesson, with another gal. Luckily the jumps stayed low to accommodate both of us. Actually I'm not so scared of height now (within reason lol) but what goes on afterwards.

3 months in- need to get better shot
Holly had been a beast for the trainer ride the day before so she got a change up to a twisted wire full cheek. Holy brakes Batman. She learned real quick to be light and responsive, but still would frame up into the bit. I learned to keep my hands light and ask gently for transitions, which is good for me, I needed to work on my side of contact as well.

Canter work was decent, again hurrah to having a response to half-halting, I worked on trying to sit back more into her big, rocking canter stride and keep her off her forehand. If you can keep her head up and weight on her hind-end, its pretty nice. I am also enjoying my Fleeceworks half pad immensely.

Moved onto jumping. I'll totally admit I wasn't super excited given how our last jumping felt. I put the big girl panties on and got to it, It was just trot poles followed by an x. We worked on straightness, not our strong suit, but not bad. Since I had brakes, we mostly stopped and trotted after the jump, although coming off to the left ,she generally is already on that lead, so if she was on it, I cantered her around the turn a bit. Yes I was too chicken to work on changes. Baby steps, baby steps.

Shaggy beast took forever to cool out, got her mushy grain slop that she hoovers down like its a pie-eating contest she's determined to win, and put her away. I really need to get down to the barn on a warm afternoon and scrub all her nastiness away.

Saturday- Running late as usual, I don't know why I think I can get off work, drive home, change, eat, and make it out to the barn in the time I have. I was hoping to ride Magic since it was cold, but clear which meant outside jumping. (Ok, I feel bad saying cold, but 40's feels cold when you don't really have 'winter' riding gear). Arrived to find Magic already tacked by another occasional gal and went to drag my mare up. Space is at a premium on Saturdays, so at least when you're late, spots open up as people go run they crazies out of their ponies.

We ended up 'warming up' in the indoor arena, we had to take turns cantering, Holly was a little rushed at the posting trot but settled with some halt/ backing. I tried to work on really sitting back and getting her off the forehand, with some really nice moments. Then she gets a little heavy and I lean forward, and we both forget where we need to be. Luckily I have a trainer more than happy to remind me.

Where am I going?
After cantering inside, those of us jumping went down to the outdoor. It was colder and rather dreary, but at least it was dry since initially they had forecast rain. We did more cantering, until Holly and I were both panting, having to cut across the arena and ride straight toward our trainer, then circle which  ever way she told us. It took me like 3 runs to even know what we were doing, but it was good once I figured it out.

Then we did little baby jumps, which Holly was pretty sure were still trot poles, making me have to use more leg then usual. I need to get more assertive, even when I'm super tired. Ah so many things to work on. Other then not understanding the first exercise of coming off the jump straight for a ways, then trotting and turning tight towards the rail, it was ok.

Lesson tonight, she is much more 'up' at night so this shall be interesting. Then lesson in the am, since my work week starts Wednesday night.


  1. If you want help standing her sometime let me know :) Jumping was interesting through that first X we were all so discombobulated!! :D

    1. Yea we all were spazzy for a bit, and thanks, it would be easier since Andy's usually juggling Liam and the camera.

  2. Thanks for your lovely comment *hugs*
    Sounds like we are having similar teething problems at the moment - looking forward to hearing how yourself and your trainer tackle things so that I can pirate some ideas and hopefully apply them to myself!

  3. Bahahahaha nice Henry head in the video ;)

  4. I thought that was Henry! You guys are so cute together!

  5. You guys are looking better and better!

    1. Thanks, doesn't always feel that way, but have to get better at looking at the overall picture.

  6. Y'all look great! And I love Henry's head in the video. :))

    1. Thanks, yea half the time I have to edit a bunch of video out because there's another horse that will pass in front of the camera exactly when the person jumping is over the fence.

    2. We are good at getting in Andy's way lol!

  7. Video bomb Henry style. You guys are really developing a steady ride. Love it. She looks more willing and calm coming out of the jump.

    1. Mostly she is, she gets wound up a bit with bigger stuff and lines, but that's what trainers and WS are for. :)


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