A Horse is a Horse

A Horse is a Horse

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

I Believe I Can Fly

Sometimes riding in a big group is fun. Sometimes it's pretty damn embarrassing, but we'll get to that...

I have no media of my own, so I have utilized Tumblr to assist my rambling storytelling.

Lesson last night was pretty packed. We were in a holding pattern to run crazy ponies around the round pen, and not wanting to crowd Karley meant I got bumped for someone who needed to spend the next hour + desensitizing his horse in the dark (and desensitizing all of our horses as well). I ended up lunging a wild pony in the "scary" end of the arena, which really is kinda nice since she doesn't spook as much afterwards.

Got on and joined the...1,2,3...no 6 or 7 (I think?) horses we had circling the indoor. Holly was pretty fresh and forward, but at least in the slow-twist I have some stopping power without completely offending princess, so we did lots of halting and backing, while trying not to cause a pile-up of ponies.

Moved on to jumping. There were 3 little jumps set up in the middle-ish of the arena, all we had to do was go over the center jump and turn left or right after, then back around again. Since Princess Holly has been a brat about lead changes, and I'm a weenie, my trainer wanted me to just slow to a trot before turning.

What did Princess Holly want to do?


It's like she was determined to show me what she learned, even as I was trying to stop her she decided she needed to pick our direction the harder way and swap leads. Going towards the open end wasn't terrible, we actually had an incredibly balanced, soft lead change she snuck in before slowing... and OK, a big part of the problem could be my nasty habit of standing a bit and leaning forward when I'm nervous and trying to stop/slow a horse. 

ok, maybe not this bad, 
but it feels that way when you're on 

Yep, it got worse going towards the closed end to the right. We were just a smidge closer to that side, making the turn feel really really tight on a green horse determined to swap leads. 

She started jumping like a tea pot, head down, pulling me forward, and then bouncing my unsteady self around as she tried out her new FLYING lead changes. 

Look what I can do mommy!

I know one of the times I got really out of balance and in an effort not to sound like a sailor I made some sort of aah noise. Yes very proud of myself. 

Then of course we had to go again now that I was completely unsettled as was she (Reactive+ Reactive= Hot mess) I panicked mid-bouncy turn to the right, yanked her left and pretty much ended up running her into the corner of the arena and her BFF horse Blue who was sitting politely in the corner watching. 

After sheepishly apologizing to E and Blue, I of course, went one more time, this time my trainer was nice enough to let me go left, and since we didn't royally F anything up, we were done. Then I got to watch L and Karley do some really fun looking courses with the three jumps, making me feel even more lame, that I was panicking over the one. The another trainer sweetly came over and told me Holly reminded me of one of her reactive mares, and that like her and her horse I will learn not to react, it just takes time. 

How I feel we are right now

Soo... After some cool down time, of feeling like a failure and wanting to sell my problems away, I feel a little more grounded. I wanted green, I got green. I have to remember Holly and I are similar, we are both reactive, so if I like her calm, and it calms me, then the same runs true for her. I have to be the calm, steady one. 

How I want us to be :)

Bright side, I've been SHOPPING! Pics to come :)

Hopefully trainer ride today and Friday, lessons Thurs and Sat. 

I need to write out some goals for my princess and I. 

Thanks to those who made it through one long, slightly whiny post :)


  1. You did pretty darn well I think :)

    1. Thanks :) I'm glad everyone was super supportive after, cause I was pretty low.

  2. Getting a new horse is really hard, especially a green one. Honestly it's taken me over a year to feel comfortable doing some things with Simon and even then there is lots of room for improvement!

    1. Thanks, sometimes I forget its only been 3 months lol.

  3. That second to last picture is priceless. You seem to have a good head on your shoulder and I think you'll definitely be able to use it to your advantage. It's easy to get frustrated especially when your friends are having pretty fabulous runs. Don't feel bad. I went through the same thing (I think a lot of us have). The fun is in the battle.

    1. Thanks, now its just about keeping my head in the heat of it. Battle it be, lol.

  4. Girl like I told you last night, you have witnessed my embarrassing lessons :)

    Miss Holly isn't helping you at all so don't get down- keep working her sassy bootie and telling her who's boss and you'll be rocking it in no time!! :)

    1. Thanks, you and Henry look so good now, its hard to remember you guys ever had growing pains ;)

  5. OMG let's make sure everyone knows that's NOT Pongo in the naughty spotted horse video, LOL!!! Now that we've got that cleared up...figuring each other out takes time, be easy on yourself & give yourself grace to learn. Like Karley said, you've watched all of us struggle through less than pretty moments, no one's judging!

    1. Ha, I did think of your spotted beast when I saw that gif. Thanks, i have to remember learning is sometimes gritty and unpleasant so we can enjoy the results.

  6. I can totally relate. Green horses can be frustrating to say the least. I think it becomes easy to look other people and just see perfection in what they are doing. Remember that everyone has good and bad days and good barn friends are in it to support, not judge:D

    1. I do have a very good barn family for support. :)

  7. Welcome to the rollercoaster that is the green horse. My Lib was easy going and quiet during summer, but is now a monster who knows nothing... Ahhh these ponies will keep you humble thats for sure.

  8. Green horses can be a challenge. But on the bright side I love your Tangled references!

    1. Thanks, I'm too old to, but totally love that movie!

  9. Welcome to the fun & challenging green+mare combo.

    You are on the right path, you have a great outlook/attitude/approach & a fantastic support crew in trainer, WS & yard friends.

    Don't be so hard on yourself, you are both learning together while getting to know each other at the same time. It is fun yet frustrating at times. I often forget horse riding is like a dance and for every step forward there can be some back further down the line.

    Don't sweat the small stuff - keep the bigger picture in mind. You guys are doing amazing for such a short time together, especially with her greeness and your admitted jumping nerves!

    Take everything one step at a time and don't focus on the bad, pick one or more good things from the lesson - pat yourself on the back for those improvements (I'd list jumping anything in that category - fab achievement for green horse & new rider after 3 months) and keep in mind the negatives but don't fall into the rabbit hole (where I live) of focussing on the negatives.

    Always remember to think of the positives too & keep in mind the bigger picture - go back and read your earliest posts on this blog...that is where the improvements are. I am so proud & inspired by you - I hope this comment doesn't come across as preachy or stalker-y *blush*

    1. That was neither preachy or stalker-y, it was exactly what I needed to hear. You made me think back to the lesson and how we did some great shoulder in/ haunches in, and she barely spooked at anything, which is good for her at night. Thanks, I always look forward to your comments and reading your blog- (finally someone who talks/types as much as me)!


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