A Horse is a Horse

A Horse is a Horse

Monday, January 6, 2014

Blown Away- 1st Ride of the New Year

Saturday lesson didn't feel like it was going to be that bad. I was still tired from a stupid busy work week and a little hung over because my alcohol tolerance is pretty pathetic these days.

Got to the barn and it was prob almost 50F out, but quickly the wind kicked up, making our lesson a little more challenging. I was kinda dragging butt and since I was riding the incredibly fuzzy Magic, I was last on.

As we got started I could feel Magic had decided he had exerted enough bucking like an idiot in the round pen, and was going to be a slug the rest of the lesson. We managed to do all the WTC stuff, lots of working on frame and forward, neither of which Magic was keen on when facing 30 mph wind. Finally got to jumping. I had been kinda looking forward to it, until it got windy enough to take out a few jumps, and I saw the big barrel sitting in the middle of a cross rail. We warmed up . over what I can finally agree is a tiny x. Its funny she lowered the one jump I had jumped higher last week and felt perfectly comfortable at the higher height.

Its not big, not sure why I was so scared of it
Did the baby x to a vertical. No biggie, just couldn't keep the hairy beast moving at a decent pace. Watching the video I see just how slow we were. Then we did the barrel jump, nothing new to him, but I kinda sucked back and he ducked out. Then I remembered frustrating my trainer is scarier then the jump, and pushed him over it. It became a vertical to the barrel jump.

Soooo sloooow... but hey we did it. Then did it back around to the first line. It wasn't pretty, but I remembered to breathe most of the time, and didn't die, so I'm happy.

My mare on the other hand, was being beastly, luckily the WS was on her, not me ;) Decided to include some of her naughtiness in the video clip. She really was just freaking over the barrel down the line from the vertical, but still, sassy pants needs to learn to suck it up just like her momma does.

We both had Sun off, trainer ride today, lesson Tues and Thurs, trainer ride (hopefully) Wed and Fri. Maybe ride Sat, depends on how bad work kicks my butt the night before.


  1. "Then I remembered frustrating my trainer is scarier then the jump, and pushed him over it." LOL! SO TRUE! I usually feel that way too...it's not like I'd let myself get away with not jumping things that scare me, so I might as well get it over with and get on with things :P Keep my seat close to the saddle, eyes up and just kick kick kick!

  2. Man J almost ate it on that standard, I know tht feel.

    1. Yea her first stop that I know of other then in a jumping chute

  3. Magic is a beast jumping.. best to learn and get confident on cause nothing really makes him stop :)

    Aye Holly... that was almost as dirty or worse then a Henry stop at the oxer!

    1. Uh yea, Magic may slow to molasses but he will go over as long as you point him at the jump.

  4. That Holly temper tantrum was rank! Silly mare

  5. Your pony really puts her all into going over... Once she goes over :) Nice riding for both of you!

  6. Naughty naughty Holly. Sounds like you're all making great strides together, I'm hoping I can sort myself out to get weekly lessons again - I need them so badly!!!


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