A Horse is a Horse

A Horse is a Horse

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Round and round we go...

Lesson last night was canceled so I had a private lesson this morning on Magic. I putzed around a bit in the indoor while my trainer lunged her horse, than headed down before her because there were a bunch of western riders taking a lesson and "desensitizing" there horses so it felt a little cramped. We did some W/T around the large, hard, outdoor arena which I haven't been in in forever.

Felt good to have some space, which apparently Magic agreed with because he got mighty fresh at a canter. So while another trainer jumped her horse I got to do lots of circles at a canter, mostly around my trainers horse, giving me a fixed point to circle. I was surprised how much effort it actually took to grind him around and around. we did varying circles ,big and small, big and small... and when he got a little hyper on the big circles he got turned into the wall and backed. Oiy, what a workout.

After my lesson, my trainer, another gal, S, and I all chatted while Magic cooled off. Mr Happy got a rinse since it was already about 60 degrees out and got turned out since he was going to have another lesson later. He happily rolled and grazed, lucky punk ;)

Thanks for getting me all nice and clean so I can roll :)


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