A Horse is a Horse

A Horse is a Horse

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Change of Pace

So for the last to days we have had crazy winds... like super gusty, take bark off trees, Toto I don't think we are in Kansas anymore type wind. Fun fun. So far I'm just happy my fence has survived since I really don't want to pay for a new one, and I know my neighbors are cheapskates too.

Lesson this am, indoor since we didn't want to get blown two barns over. Magic had an easy weekend with trainer gone, so he got a quick spin in the round pen. Glad my trainer suggested that.

Got on and he was a slug, but at least he was better in the open side of the arena most of the lesson. My big take-away with riding him, is even though he is super trained, and won't really do anything crazy, you can't let him take even an inch, he will try for the mile. For my ADHD self, this can be hard, I get just as distracted by what's outside the ring, my DH and baby along the side, the wind, shiny objects... you get the point. 

Did some sitting trot while waiting for my trainer and E to mount up. The arena was pretty full since no one wanted to be outside, luckily I was prob the most novice rider, so we got along pretty well. Lots of posting , which finally feels better, and then some two-point (ugh). The western trainer was laughing at our torture from her comfy western saddle. We stopped to do some turn on the fore work before cantering and jumping, mostly so others could canter a bit. My canter was ok, had to work at pressing Happy-boy up without leaning forward, nasty habit I really need to break. Did some extra circles at the scary open end of the arena until we were deep enough into the corners to satisfy my trainer. I am amazed, she was watching us from horseback, doing her own thing a bit, and still nailed E and I on our faults. Either she is that good, or we are that predictable lol. 

Finally did some jumping. I am finally getting more comfortable with my baby crossrails at the trot. This must have been obvious to my trainer because she finally made me canter again. Funny thing, I used to find cantering to the jumps smoother before I ate dirt. Now, I am still a nervous nelly, but at least it was controllable. 

I left sound in the video at around 00:40 where a horse cuts out in the round pen as my trainer yells at me, and Magic suddenly bolts, but since he headed straight at the jump, I figured roll with it, and we actually looked better there than other jumps, lol. 

Things to work on:
- Relax, forward impulsion does not = certain death
-Longer release/ form over jumps (TG Magic can take a joke)
-Core strength and over all body tone (almost summer anyways)
-Pay Attention, I'm not driving a car (j/k I swear I pay attention to driving too)

I should be starting to lease Magic this next week. I think the added saddle time should really help with the relaxing. I also have started trying to think positively before, during,after riding. Sounds silly, but I really suck at praising myself, and I realized if I can find happiness at work, then I should be able to relax and enjoy riding for petes sake. :)


  1. You look great in the video! I actually find trotting jumps harder than cantering them for some reason.

    1. thanks, I just want to get past the near panic feeling as I approach a jump and be able to focus on stride etc.

  2. You're doing great!
    Agree that positive thinking when it comes to oneself can be very challenging, I'm not the best at it myself - so instead I look for positives in the horses...which is a knock on from my being good so a roundabout positive for myself i guess - but only just realised that as I type this!

    best of luckw ith leasing Magic, can't wait to hear & see more of the two of you! :D

    1. thanks, I agree its easier to say compliments to your horse than yourself. If Magic goes about well then I will take it as a compliment :)


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